Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lord Phistor Himself


Who is Lord Phistor? Lord Phistor was originally an Emperor's Children Centurion, who long after the destruction of Horus's campaign was able to carve out his own personal empire in the Eye of Terror. He became one of Slaanesh's champions of chaos, boasting many mutations and eventual daemonhood. 

Worshipped like a god by nearby many chaos cults that have infiltrated Imperial Hive's, he always finds legions of allies to fight alongside his personal fleet. 


Meanwhile in the Segmentum Obscuris

+++ Begin Transcript +++

A bright flash of light filled the room, blinding all who inhabited the Flagship's bridge. As their senses returned, a grotesque, snakelike form surrounded by untold amount of twisted terminators, monstrous corruptions protruding from their armor. The Snake tightened his fists, and the Lord-Admiral shuddered at what was to come.

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